Lead Abatement: Bridges
1 Priority Environmental Services and 1 Priority Coating & Bridge Painting is a licensed and experienced contractor that has abated lead paint from more than 400 bridges in Texas and Louisiana.
These projects involve safe work conditions located high above navigable waterways, over freeways and active railroad lines and yards.
1 Priority has safely performed bridge and roadway related Lead paint abatement for the numerous conditions that include:
- Designated torch cut locations prior to a steel bridge demolition
Removal of all “Loose and Flakey” lead paint prior to bridge repainting
- Complete paint removal to the bare metal via aggregate blasting inside negative pressure containments
- Complete paint removal via chemical stripper cleaning
- Spot lead paint removal for repairs and modifications to a bridge
- Removal of lead-based paint roadway striping
We have the necessary equipment to safely and efficiently access the various work levels of a bridge with minimal disruptions. 1 Priority Environmental Services collaborates frequently with contractors, painters and road constructors, and we ensure that our team members work safely and efficiently.
Our team will provide traffic controls and lane shutdowns day or night with the ability to perform bridge abatement and removal services across the county.
Lead Paint Abatement for Bridges.
1 Priority. Your Solution.