Encapsulation & Overcoating
1 Priority Coating & Bridge Painting is an expert in overcoat and encapsulation of existing and older steel bridges and truss bridges. This system of unparalleled barrier protection can provide the opportunity to overcoat structures without full removal of lead paint via containment and abrasive blasting and has the added benefit of minimizing return to service time while reducing expense to the client. An abatement of loose and flakey paint is required to leave a tight, bondable surface followed by a single coat of the encapsulant which has a 15+ year life. The easily maintainable encapsulant is an aluminum pigmented combined primer topcoat that provides a desirable aluminum appearance. This encapsulant can be top-coated if desired. This system, when applicable, is included in TxDOT Item 446 Field Cleaning and Painting Steel.